Move the threat. Shifting a threat signifies setting the aftereffects of a threat on yet another QuotesChimp or thing. Many threats themselves are unable to be actually moved you can't offer your genetic science to another person or cause them to become just take your invest a medical facility but you really can move the monetary ramifications of threat through buying policy contract. Obviously, in real life few underwriting decisions are that easy or clear-cut. When QuotesChimp apply for insurance you come to the underwriting table with a mix of characteristics that will be considered as either positive (presenting a low risk to the company) or negative (presenting a high risk to the company). The under?writers will then consider your entire statistical profile and decide whether, overall, you present an average risk to the company (standard), a high risk (substandard), or a low risk (preferred). Preferred risks will be quickly accepted and offered the best price. Standard risks will be accepted and offered the standard price. Substandard risks will either be rejected, or accepted on the condition that they pay a higher price or, sometimes, that they accept lower benefits.