To clarify:There are aywals predictable, but irregular expenses which lots of folks budget/save up money for every month. An obvious example would be saving up for property taxes if you own a house. Less obvious is setting aside a budgeted amount for, say, future car maintainance. The question becomes do you pump up this aspect of your savings first or snowball debt.One example: suppose you serendipitously get a $100 check. Does it go towards building up my car maintainance fund, or does it get snowflaked to debt? (Of course, Murphy guarantees that if I haven't funded my car maintainance account, the car will break.)There are other even more predictable expenses such as insurance, gifting, etc. which I could not pay up front without having saved for. Do I fund (save up for) all these anticipated expenses before using any $ for snowballing?Hopfully this makes sense ..
Keachie, if you're disavowing“”Funny, Greg, I rlacel privacy rights being front and center the day in 1988 that Ron Paul had a fund raiser at Dr. Timothy Leary’s house in the Santa Cruz area. Nobody else on this list made Santa Cruz, except Tom Kenworth, who has the photos to prove it.”Then you're apparently agreeing with me, that you made that up. It was very nice for you to disappear for almost a week after that was pointed out the first time.  That you may have once seen Timothy Leary in the Santa Cruz area was never disputed, nor was it in any way related to the discussion.

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