Hey,Thanks for the info.I've used CaptureScreenshot, then WWW to apply it to a texture. Works pterfcely in Editor, but when i build to iOS, no luck. My code is:IEnumerator TakeScreenshotAndLoadItIntoTexture(string filename) {Application.CaptureScreenshot(filename);/*while(!File.Exists(filename)){debugString =  Saving ;yield return null;}*/FileInfo info = new FileInfo(filename);if(info == null || info.Exists == false){yield return null;}debugString =  Saved ;WWW screenShot = new WWW( file://  + filename);//while(!screenShot.isDone)yield return screenShot;print ( Loading );debugString =  Loading ;print( Done   + Time.time);previewTexture = screenShot.texture;print (previewTexture.name);print ( Width  + previewTexture.width);debugString =  Width:   + previewTexture.width +  , Name:   + previewTexture.name;preview = true;}any ides?Thanks man. http://sitbqxh.com [url=http://tczzefpoo.com]tczzefpoo[/url] [link=http://adtyyyxmg.com]adtyyyxmg[/link]
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