Adonis had the balls to ask,"We don't have to do anything this year do we? Its my busy sesaon after all." Dude, its always your busy sesaon. Now trot you ass down to where ever it is you go and get my damn gift. Yeah, I'm a little bitter. But I 100% approve your list! [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ] .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval Reply:February 11th, 2011 at 11:52 amOh, no he didn't! He better get you something gooood. You totally deserve it this year. Every year, but you know what I mean. [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ] .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval Reply:February 11th, 2011 at 11:52 amOh, no he didn't! He better get you something gooood. You totally deserve it this year. Every year, but you know what I mean. [ .fqkj{position:absolute;clip:rect(445px,auto,auto,488px);}approval ] [url=]iugfihcpps[/url] [link=]ciggijziya[/link]

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