There are a few different ways to attcak this problem. First, evaluate your current credit and financial situation. I don't want to tell you to go get new credit cards if you cannot afford the ones you have hence the 400 score. it is only digging a deeper hole for physically. That said lets work on cleaning up the score you have so when you are more stable and ready to re-set up your credit it will be simpler and less expensive. Start by requesting a copy of your credit from each of the 3 reporting agencies. if you have been turned down for credit int he last 30 days this is free, just send them a copy of the denial letter you received and question for your free copy. Next review each report to see if the information is both accurate and consistent. Believe it or not, they probably will not match each other 100%. If you find errors then take the steps to right them, call or write to the companies and question them to be corrected. if you get no response then wrote to each credit reporting agency (the place you received the reports from) and file a dispute and state the reason why you are disputing as well as the account information. BE SURE THESE ARE VALID DISPUTES!!! Please do not make claims that a touch is an error just to try and have it removed. It will more than likely be place back on later if you do get it off at all. Watch your inquiries as they are a huge hit to your score. They will generally stay on for about 6 months. If you see inquiries from companies that you never requested credit from, contact the credit agencies and question them to be removed, since they are in error. Again, only for those that are in error. You will be surprised how much of a difference this will make. Next you must probably evaluate your finances. Do you need new credit, or can you try and clear up some of the ancient debts first. Doing so will also raise your score and make it simpler and cheaper to get credit down the road. Your credit is one of the most vital and valuable assets you have so protect it.