Online Payday Cash Advance Easy Requirements What is an online pyaday cash advance? This is an advance which you can apply over the Internet. It's fast and does not require a lot of information from you. The main thing these companies want to know if you have a comfortable workplace. They also want to know that you make at least $ 1,000 per month on the job. Is it hard to get this loan? No, the loan application only takes about three minutes and the guidelines for these loans are very low. What are the guidelines? An age requirement of 18 years old Need a legal U.S. citizen Do you have a valid U.S. Resident address Must be at least the last three months used Can I get a person co-sign for this loan? Yes, but you must know this application, the agency will be hired. You can do this by contacting them by phone or e-mail. Do these companies have a toll free telephone number? Yes. They are usually found at the top of the page in bold. Some will even allow you to call them on Skype.