Pitt might have wanted soinhtmeg a little more exciting after being married for 5 years. But I swear, he did not want what he did get. And every damn day he looks around and wonders. How in Gods name did it ever get this way? 6 kids and a woman I dont want. Jolie has destroyed herself trying to hold on to him. Pitts life is destroyed. Aniston is the only one that came out ahead. All that publicity made her a star. THE MAN DID NOT WANT 6 KIDS IN 3 YEARS, HALF OF WHICH ARE NOT EVEN HIS. ALL HE WANTED WAS A LITTLE EXCITMENT> HE KNOWS THAT THE BAD PUBLICITY WOULD KILL HIM IF HE LEFT HER NOW If he had known it was going to turn out like this, he would have run (like a crazy man) away from Jolie when they first met!!